Friends is purchasing Kidde Lock Boxes again in 2024 for Harwich Older Adults (59 1/2 and older). Personnel of the Harwich Fire Department and Fire Association will install the boxes free of charge. Lock Boxes allow Emergency responders to enter your home in an emergency without damaging your door. Send your request to: [email protected]
Lock Boxes
Needs Assessment
The Friends of the
Harwich Council on Aging is providing financial support to the Harwich Council on Aging as they undertake a
needs assessment for the older adults of Harwich this Fall.
A needs assessment is a systematic process for determining
the needs of a community and identifying gaps between the
current conditions and the desired conditions. The objective
is to learn more about what older adults in Harwich need,
want, and believe to be important. The COA can then develop strategic goals to better serve our residents.
The entire process will take approximately one year and will
be carried out by the Gerontology Institute at UMass Boston. There will be several phases of the project, and within
each phase, feedback from as many community
members as possible is needed. At the end of the yearlong process, the results will be shared with the community.
In October or early November, a postcard announcing the upcoming survey will be mailed. The actual survey will be delivered
to residences a week or two later. The survey will be
detailed, but it should take less than 10 minutes to complete. The COA hopes you will take the time to share your
thoughts and opinions—you will be helping to shape the
future of the COA!
Barnstable County Network of Care
Barnstable County maintains a comprehensive website with multiple health resources for seniors.
Harwich Council on Aging
The Friends of the Harwich Council on Aging is a different organization than the Harwich Council on Aging, which the Friends support. The website for the Harwich Council on Aging can be reached by clicking here.